amanda casari
amanda casari is a developer relations engineer in the Open Source Programs Office at Google, where she is co-leading research and engineering to better understand risk and resilience in open source ecosystems. She was named an External Faculty member of the Vermont Complex Systems Center in 2021. amanda is persistently fascinated by the difference between the systems we aim to create and the ones that emerge, and pie.

Have you ever started a seemingly straight-forward project which you assumed would "only take a little bit", to find yourself hours later with all the tabs open, closer to the gnarliness of the truth, but still far away from a simple answer? Are you curious why you can't find the data you need, if open source is so open? We've all been there, including teams with literally decades of professional data and analysis experience. In this talk, our team from the Google Open Source Programs office will share stories and hard-learned lessons from our work researching and analyzing data to more deeply understand open source.