Jay Chia
Jay is a cofounder of Eventual and a primary contributor to the Daft open-sourced project. Prior to Eventual, he was a software engineer building large scale ML data systems for computational biology at Freenome and self-driving cars at Lyft. He hails from the sunny island nation of Singapore, and used to command a platoon of tanks in the Singapore military.
Blazing fast I/O of data in the cloud with Daft Dataframes
Jay Chia
Daft (www.getdaft.io) is an open-sourced distributed Dataframe library, written in Rust but with a Python API. It features blazing fast cloud storage I/O with its Rust I/O layer, but all accessible via a familiar Python Dataframe interface. Load tens of thousands of CSV and Parquet files in seconds, all from the comfort of Python!
Data Track
Data Track